Number Locator

Find model and serial numbers on your appliance

Here are some examples of price savings on a few popular appliance parts.
PLUS, our price includes tax and shipping! Sears appliance parts price does not!


-On the upper left-hand corner of the unit’s frame

-On the top of the door jamb, to the unit’s left, right, or in the center

-On the door itself, to the left, right, or in the center

-On the underside of the control panel


-On the outside bottom of the cabinet

-On the lower left-hand corner of unit, door open

-In the upper left-hand corner of unit, door open

-On the underside of the fuse cover

-On the right side of the burner box, or under one of the surface burners, if the top lifts up

-With the lower storage door open, on the top left side of the unit or on the door jamb


-On the inside left or right wall of either the refrigerator or freezer

-On the cabinet door jamb

-Behind the kick plate

-Behind a lower crisper drawer


-On the upper left-hand back corner

-On the cabinet frame inside the door

-Near the front of the cabinet side


-On the back of the control panel

-Upper left-hand back corner on the back

-Under the lid

-Lower left-hand corner on the front

* For gas dryers, check model number behind the front access panel.

* For front loading washers, check inside the door, on back, or on top of the removed control panel, on the bottom left or right hand side of washer or on the kick plate at the lower front.